This website is strictly for mature adults aged over eighteen. This site is of an adult nature of men & women involved in nudity in non-sexual & or sexual matter for artistic & photographic purposes. If this type of site in your jurisdiction, district, authority or area is not accepted in your state, county, or country in the world the website right now. If you are easily offended by adult nudity in any way & don’t believe that a person is free to display their inhibitions about nudity or being nude on camera, please leave now. If you are terribly modest & or shy seeing nudity or being nude, please leave now. If you are naysayer, rude, uncaring, non-respectful & or think that nudity whether it is non-sexual or sexual in wrong in general in your eyes, please leave now. If you are a parent or guardian, YOU ARE responsible in mentioning what your children view on the internet not me or anyone that has nudity non- sexual & sexual content on their websites. By being on this website, you acknowledge that. Please do not infringe on those who wish to do this kind of content for consenting adults that make a living or side gig in doing this kind of work or wish to view it personally. THIS IS NOT AN ESCORT SITE!